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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1746
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2024 .17 .7558
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17،
number In Volume 10،
issue Number 104
Semantic structure of the fourth book of Masnavi Manavi based on the holistic model
Amaneh Tale’i Rahimi , Somaye Assadi (Author in Charge)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Holistic structure studies is a new approach in examining and analyzing works that have a macro-organizational structure. Texts such as Rumi"s Mathnawi al-Masnavi, which on the surface have an irregular arrangement and structure, but if you pay attention to its components with a holistic view, the meaningful relationship between its parts can be interpreted. Safavi (1386) during his studies on the structure of the Mathnawi, shows that Rumi used two methods of "parallelism" and "cross-reflection" to establish a meaningful connection between the stories and concepts presented in the Mathnawi"s six notebooks. In this research, an attempt has been made to study the fourth book of the Mathnawi from the perspective of the holistic structure with the semantic and semantic method to answer the question, what is the semantic structure and parallels used in this book?
METHODOLOGY: The current research was conducted with an analytical method and a structuralist approach based on a holistic and semantic perspective.
FINDINGS: The results of the investigation show that the fourth book has seventeen main discourses and the central core of the fourth book is also presented in the "9" discourse. Each discourse has sub-sections and sub-stories, and based on the topic of the discourses, it is the central topic of the fourth book of science, which is divided into three categories: "partial science, total science, and enlightened science".
CONCLUSION: Rumi"s emphasis is on the necessity of partial and general knowledge scholars to follow Ishraqi scholars. He described the first two groups as needing guidance and learning and considered only enlightened scholars to be omniscient by reaching divine knowledge and the light of truth.
, semantic structure
, parallelism
, cross reflection
, Mathnawi fourth book
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